Friday, 9 November 2012

'Catch Me If You Can' – Opening Sequence

The opening sequence consists of the usual opening movie sequences such as the names of directors, the name of the company name, the name of the producer, the title of the film its self and the names of the main actors. It also includes background music which the instruments change according to what is going on in the animation of the opening sequence. The opening sequence is made up of little scenes of animated, what appears to be cardboard characters carrying out different tasks whilst a man runs through all the scenes.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Analysis of Title sequence

Title Sequence – SE7EN

The usual conventions of a movie sequence such as the name of the film, the names of the actors, director co-producer and producer are included throughout the film sequence. The production company name is also included in the title sequence.  The title sequence for the film Se7en does not really sent the scene although, it does set the tone and genre which is a thriller, maybe a horror to, with the help of the unsettling, disturbing, discordant background music and the quick images of a wrecked, worn out hand writing in a sketch book, then cutting out little images and attaching them to the scrap book, scratching out the eyes of the people in the photos and certain words such as ‘intercourse’ from another book. All of these images creates an enigma, leaves you questioning the reason to why this man, you would assume it’s a man because of the size and thickness of the fingers and dirty finger nails and they do not appear to be very feminine despite its wrecked state, is creating this scrap book.  The typography of the information also helps in creating the tone of the film because the font almost appears hand written and rough.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Personal Commentary : Preliminary Task

<--- Story bored: Before i started filming, one pre-production task I carried out was creating a script. this helped me to plan what i was going to film, where I was going to place the camera and where the actors were going to be positioned in the scene. The script included the type of shot that was going to be shot in each scene e.g. establishing shot, close up shpt.., a small explanation what what was occurring in each scene.

<--- Shooting Script: This is another pre-production task I done before filming. It includes the same information as the story bored with out the images. It also includes the dialogue that was going to take place in the specific shots which the script does not include.

<--- Script: This is the script that the actors followed. Having a script is beneficial because it adds structure and organisation to the filming rather than free-styling what is being said.

Using a flip camera to film required me to improvise when attempting to shot the shots that I wanted to such as the establishing shot.  If I was to re-do my preliminary task, there are some things I would do differently such as use a tripod so that the camera could be steady so the final out come of the filming did not turn out wobbly. I enjoyed the task because it was the first time that i had created a short film and it gave me an insight of what creating a film would require. 

Preliminary task