Title Sequence – SE7EN
The usual conventions of a movie sequence such as the name
of the film, the names of the actors, director co-producer and producer are
included throughout the film sequence. The production company name is also
included in the title sequence. The
title sequence for the film Se7en does not really sent the scene although, it
does set the tone and genre which is a thriller, maybe a horror to, with the
help of the unsettling, disturbing, discordant background music and the quick images
of a wrecked, worn out hand writing in a sketch book, then cutting out little
images and attaching them to the scrap book, scratching out the eyes of the
people in the photos and certain words such as ‘intercourse’ from another book.
All of these images creates an enigma, leaves you questioning the reason to why
this man, you would assume it’s a man because of the size and thickness of the
fingers and dirty finger nails and they do not appear to be very feminine
despite its wrecked state, is creating this scrap book. The typography of the information also helps
in creating the tone of the film because the font almost appears hand written
and rough.
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